Thursday, June 18, 2009


Three weeks since my last post. Where has the time gone? I suppose that's just a rhetorical question, since I know where it's gone, at least in my case. Lots of traveling! Traveling for work, traveling for church, traveling for fun. It was great to see my mentor's daughter get married, and it was great to spend time with the saints, and it was great to be taking a work matter forward to help out my boss, who is busily working on a million other things.

One casualty of the traveling, however, has been my neglected blog. Well no longer! I am on a break from work so this will have to be a fast one, but I've missed writing and I've been looking forward to getting back into it.

I think part of the problem I've experienced is that my perfectionist nature -- and my pride, which is oh-so-closely linked to perfectionism -- often drives me to the mentality of needing to post something deep and insightful and LONG, or else not to post at all. This devolves into a cycle where the longer it's been since I've posted, the more deep/insightful/long I feel the post that "breaks the silence" needs to be.

I think I just need to get over that, and myself, and just go to it. And since I like to keep my breaks at work short, I think that'll have to do for now. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a kind comment. I enjoyed looking up the favorite passages you listed and being encouraged by them! Thanks for sharing. And I can sympathize on the above post. :)

    As I read down your blog I came across the post about Paul Washer--I've been encouraged and benefited by many of his sermons! That series you mentioned has been very inspiring to me, as well as this one:

